Sarah Jane Elliott


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Stellar Magpie


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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

State of the Writer

I am going to try to be better about updating. Really I am. In the meantime, a rundown:
  • I finished writing the book. I need to edit the book. I need to do a crapton of research before I can do so, but my goal is to find time before April.
  • I have a boyfriend. He is awesome.
  • Life is crazy. Work is moreso, and threatening to get even crazier. Free time is nonexistent, and I still have no money. How does that work?
  • My health, a year after going on SCD, is awesome. My weight loss levelled off (being the shallow creature that I am, I wish it had chosen a lower levelling off point), but given that I wasn't actually trying to lose weight, and I'm still not, this is still pretty impressive. I have not had a prescription since going on the diet.
  • I have awesome friends.
I am aiming to make Thursday nights update nights. We will see how well I stick to this resolution.
